Joining / opting-in

The Experian Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) is provided by Experian (the Company) to help you save for your future. Once you become a member of the Plan, both you and the Company will make regular contributions into your retirement savings to help build up valuable benefits to enjoy on retirement.

Depending on your circumstances, you might have been automatically enrolled into the Plan, or you might be thinking about joining. The sections below should help you understand what to do next.

I have been automatically enrolled
If you meet certain criteria, you will be automatically enrolled into the Plan at the end of the ‘postponement’ period. The Company operates a ‘postponement’ period of three months for automatic enrolment so you will be enrolled into the Plan on the 1st of the month immediately before the end of the period, or on the date the period ends if that is the 1st of a month. This is when contributions will start to be paid into your retirement savings each month.

For example, if you join the Company on 1st September you will be automatically enrolled into the Plan on 1st December.

If you join the Company on 15th September your automatic enrolment date will also be 1st December. This is because your membership of the Plan must begin on 1st of a month but the ‘postponement’ period cannot exceed three months.

Once you have been enrolled the first step for you is to login to your online account to review your contributions and investment options, and decide if you would like to save more for your retirement; the online modeller may help you make these decisions. You can choose to save more or change your investment choice by logging into your secure online account (using the details emailed to you) by clicking here

I have not been automatically enrolled but would like to join the Plan
If you are not eligible for automatic enrolment, you can still choose to join the Plan by opting-in. You can request details of how to opt in through the Experian Pensions team at Capita or by logging in to the secure Plan website, using details you should have received previously, or by completing an opt in form.

I have opted-out but I would like to rejoin the Plan
If you have opted-out of the Plan then the Company must re-enrol you back in within a three year period, providing you continue to meet certain criteria. You can re-join the Plan before this by opting-in online or by completing an opt-in form. Please note that you can only opt back in to the Plan twice in any 12-month period.
